Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The New Gentiles

Our lives are touched by sadness, sickness, praise, joy, and frustration. Sometimes you just have to catch the wave and ride with the Lord....and what a ride it is! Today I have been actively trying to think out side the box. If you know me that's a scary thought. Many of my friends consider my box fairly non-existent! lol. I have been considering the early church's dilemma over synagoue worship & traditions and Gentile worship & traditions. In the end, God may it clear that is a matter of heart and not form. I wonder if we, the Gentiles, haven't turned the tables with our modern day concept of worship. Many in our society don't do and probably don't understand the "church" thing whether it's traditional or contempory. The forms we use in our assembly don't occur anywhere else in society. Some one lectures (we call it a sermon) but it's not school, there's music but it's not a concert, sometimes you eat tiny portions (communion) but it's not a meal, they ask for money...then say you don't have to give...but then make sure the bucket passes in front of everyone?...
How many of us like to go to new places with confusing things going on. It's sad to say, but if the menu at a new restureant is to hard to figure out, I usually don't go back. If the service or food is not remarkable, I rarely give it a second shot. I stick with what I know. Perhaps the time has come to place the food of God in forms that are familar and easily understood for the new "Gentiles"....the unchurched. While overall church attendace is up, the "churched" are continuing to be a smaller and smaller percentage of society. Since worship is matter of heart not form, what new forms might we utilize that will connect the hearts of the unchurched with God's heart?

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