Thursday, April 19, 2007

Claude Greer: God's faithful servant

Claude Greer, a long time member of Tenth & Broad Church of Christ, died yesterday in a single car accident. Claude had run for various local political offices over the years. His last political race was 9 years ago. The local TV news media chose to cover his death 2 ways. One station's story line was focused on the accident, the tragic consequences and Claude's dreams of helping the community to be a better place to live. The other station chose to "politicize" the death and did a little mud raking about Claude's past campaigns. Where did that come from? The man's dead. What point was there in taking one last shot at him? Needless to say that really bothered me.
I knew him as a member of my Christian family at TNB. He was always there. Come rain or shine, sickness or health, Claude was there and ready to serve. Claude moved with pain most days because of several medical issues. It hurt me to watch him walk sometimes. But each Sunday morning when it came time for individuals to get up from their seats and help serve communion, Claude was up and moving at the 1st verse of the song before communion. If you didn't see Claude passing the trays, he wasn't there. Claude lived to be 79 years old. Long before he became a "senior", Claude had a heart for our older brothers and sisters. Many, many years of service at Texoma Christian Care Center attest to that. He taught bible classes out there for years. Claude was a mainstay in teaching, preaching, and make sure the worship went off at TCCC without a hitch. Even though support for serving the residents at TCCC dwindled over the last few years, Claude never faltered and continued to serve and encourage others to join in that loving service. He will be missed.
I will remember Claude as God's faithful servant. Today Claude moves without pain and joins in with the heavenly host in a worship that we can scarcely imagine. I don't know if God ask for volunteers to help out in the heavenly worship, but if He does, the other saints there had better be quick on the draw to beat Claude. Like all of us, our time to pass will come. We will be remember by those who knew and loved us. But someday even those individuals will pass and no living memory of us will remain. But God's memory knows no bounds. God will know his children for all eternity. God knows Claude.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

How long will it take?

Today, the VW Bug wasn't running right. I took it in first thing to the dealership to have the service department fix it. Not that I could tell you (or them as it turned out) what needed fixing. The service rep came out with his clip board and listened patiently while I tried to explain in my layman's language what my bug was doing. "It's running louder than it was before and sometimes there's a slight shake," I said. "Uh Huh," he said. "But not all the time" I said quickly. "When you let off the gas it stops." "The car?" he asked. "No, the loudness and the shaking...sort of stops...sometimes..." I trailed off. He looked at me for a moment and said "No problem. We'll fix you up." I have to admit, right up front, I asked my next question without thinking. "So how long do you think it will take?" After my crystal clear explanation of the precise nature of the mechanical failure(s)(?) of my car, anyone should have been able to give the precise time and cost to fix my problem...ya' think? Not. The thought must have crossed his mind that I was a complete dufus about cars. However, he was very gracious and politely said it would take time for the service department to diagnose the problem. He would call me as soon as he recieved word from the techs.

Our lives can be like this little drama of mine this morning. Life can get us all out of kilter, where things are not horrible, but not quite right either. We just seem to be unable to connect or we feel slightly on edge. Often, we look for the quick fix....night out on the town...round of golf...little shopping...or another favorite past time. Or perhaps, we get us a quick "spiritual" boost by cranking up our favorite christian music or having a good philosophical discussion about biblical issues with our religious friends. Which are not bad things to do, but may not be addressing what's "out of line" in our life. Getting "busy" may very well blind you to what God is trying to tell you or to do in you. Perhaps your feelings of unrest are God's way of saying "Be still and know that I am God". Time spent in reflection, introspection, searching the Word or in prayer may be the very thing you need to do to reveal what needs "fixing" in your life. "How long will it take?" God will let you know.

In Him, Jeff

Monday, April 16, 2007

What's on My Calendar?

Acts 17:26-28
"Starting from scratch, He made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after Him, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find Him. God doesn't play hide-and-seek with us. He's not remote; He's near. We live and move in him."

God's promised us plenty of time.

If we find ourselves constantly running out of time...could that indicate something about what's keeping us so busy? If everything we did was in the name of Jesus and for the glory of God...would our daily calendar of events change? How does one "live in God" everyday? If we forwarded our schedule to Jesus for prior approval...what would we put on it? Just a question to stir the mind and help us think on things above.

In Him, Jeff